
Showing posts from June, 2017

NDM: What's wrong with the internet?

MM52 1) Summarise the article in 50 words. The article suggests that it is possible for some people to access your private information, even though security settings are implemented on your profile. In fact some social media platforms may use this content for advertising, which in turn generates revenue. This is because most of the content that we post online is free and can be stolen by other users. 2) Are you worried about companies tracking your online movement? Yes as the internet is full of false perceptions that trick people into thinking the content that they post online is safe and secure. For example, if your profile is on private, there is still a way to access that ''secure'' information. Also, even if you do post pictures online that are in fact public, companies might use them for advertisements- which is what most companies do as it is less expensive.   3) Are the questions over data and privacy small prices to pay for the possibilities provided by t

Intro to NDM: MM56

1) Read the first two articles. Write one paragraph on each summing up the key aspects. Page 10:  Living and learning in a digital age. The article was about how a group of researchers wanted to see the connection between the students use of media at home and school and how it affected their social lives, in terms of the way they learn and connect with their family and friends.  The article explored issues such as the way in which a ''school works'' and how they control/manage behaviour. The research indicated that schools try to make ''different kinds of people appear the same.'' This conclusion, although reinforcing some positive views on equality, could in fact lead to young people ''failing to recognise the inequalities'' which they sometimes see on a daily basis. Another key aspect that was researched was the way in which schools teach and use media. It was suggested that schools fail to educate students on: how media and pr