NDM Baseline assessment: Learner response

1) Look over your essay, read it back in full and examine any feedback given. Read the A 
grade exemplar essay from a past A* student. What does the A* essay do well that you need to improve on?

It includes both sides of the argument- it argues that audiences are empowered to an extent. Also, they included theories and examples from recent years, throughout her argument. She also used key media terminology, which was relevant to the topic.

2) Read the Examiners' Report for this exam as outlined above and write three bullet points that summarise the key comments that apply to your essay.

  • Pro: Very wide ranging case study tended to just include descriptive lists of developments in new and digital media, rather than focusing on the question.
  • Con: Higher level answers evaluated the extent ofempowerment and also discussed some of the downsides for audiences and the ways in whichaudiences had not been empowered.
  • Con: Also debates about a digital underclass of people excluded from thedevelopments in new and digital media.

3) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential)

WWW: There is a lot of potential here...not far off a very good essay. With a detailed case study and a few technical changes you should be looking for A/A*s in MEST 3 next year.

EBI: You cover the empowerment side of the argument well but the alternative viewpoint is much weaker. You need to mention institutions. Essay basics: avoid using speech marks if there's no reason to. You offer some good examples but all could be taken further in particular GE2017. In terms of empowering the 'wrong' people could you have discussed Trump/ Brexit (#fakenews etc)  

4) Write a new, detailed paragraph to add to your essay that addresses one of the LRs/EBIs specified in your feedback. This may be the other side of the argument (the idea that audiences are not empowered) or perhaps a new or improved example from the wider media. Make sure this is an extremely well-developed paragraph of several hundred words, encompassing media issues, debates, examples and theories wherever possible.

However, you could argue that audiences are not empowered as we have less control over what we post. The amount of UGC that exists on platforms such as blogs, makes it easier for users to produce content that is unreliable. The controversial ''fake news'' that has been influencing recent political events, in the last year, is a good example of how audiences are not empowered. In addition to this, the concept of audiences consuming this false information could relate to the ''hypodermic needle theory'' where audiences tend to consume information without processing it first- an article on a ''news website'' may not necessarily be an official news story. 


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