Weekly News 11

Investigative reporting more vital than ever: NYT managing editor 


New York Times office

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  • The Trump presidency and the proliferation of fake news is an assault on good journalism, and this should be resisted by funding even more investigative reporting- Joseph Kahn (NYT Managing editor)
  • Kahn said reporting that was even “harder, deeper and faster” was more important than ever in 2017, and the Times was investing in more reporters following a bump in subscriptions since Donald Trump became US president.
  • "...it is rewarding, both for readers and for the news media that develop a strong reputation for delivering it."
  • “Investigative still means teams of reporters taking weeks or months to uncover something big. Teams like those that exposed a raft of sexual harassment cases and secret settlements that led to the downfall of two of the biggest personalities in American entertainment, Bill O’Reilly of Fox News and Harvey Weinstein, the film mogul.”
This links to NDM as it is getting harder for news organisations such as the New York Times to gain recognition for their investigative news stories. With the rise of fake news, audiences find it difficult to trust certain newspapers. I believe investigative journalism is a vital in giving newspapers and journalists the recognition they deserve, as it allows them to expose "big personalities" like Harvey Weinstein, who was involved in several sexual harassment cases for years. Although its expensive and takes a long time to carry out, investigate journalism will prove that there are some newspaper organisations that are reliable and trustworthy and get rid of any forms of corruption and fraud. 


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