Weekly News 21

Instagram Stories has turned life into a slideshow of content

Sam Wolfson’s Instagram Stories.

Key Data/Statistical Info
  • The problem with supposedly disruptive technology is often not the tech itself but the people using it.
  • On Instagram Stories you still post photos and videos, but they play like a slideshow among everyone else’s posts. Everything you post can be seen for only 24 hours, after which it disappears for ever, giving it a sense of urgency. Now, we can’t help but turn our very existence into transient content for our acquaintances.
  • When Stories launched it changed human behaviour almost immediately, gameifying life so that each event you attend earns you social kudos.
  •  By April of this year, just nine months after it launched, Instagram Stories had 200 million daily users, surpassing Snapchat’s total number of users by 40 million.
  • Instagram Stories and Snapchat have made us, on a mass scale, do the thing tech companies have always been begging us to do – willingly document every part of our lives in as much detail as possible.
I think the problem with new and advanced technology is that it is taking over our lives and as mentioned in the article, changing our behaviour. Due to apps such as Instagram and Snapchat we are now used to seeing a lot of content in a short space of time. As technology quickly advances so do we- we have somehow adapted to living in a fast paced environment where an event could be recorded and posted within seconds that reaches a global audience. Th article mentions that "tech companies" want us to " document every part of our lives in as much detail as possible".


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