NDM story index

  1. 9/9/17 - Binge-watching your favourite TV shows makes them less enjoyable, scientists have found
  2. 9/9/17- Gifs: 30 Years of reactions, dancing babies and popcorn 
  3. 25/9/17- Uber apologises after London ban and admits ''we got things wrong'' 
  4. 25/9/17- NFL protests: Pharrell, Stevie Wonder and John Legend 'take a knee' in solidarity against "President" Trump
  5. 3/10/17- Social media companies must respond to the sinister reality behind fake news 
  6. 3/10/17 US Department of Justice demands Facebook account details of Anti- Trump activists
  7. 10/10/17- Mark Zuckerburg ''tours'' flooded Puerto Rico in bizarre virtual reality promo
  8. 10/10/17- Facebook and Google promote politicized fake news about Las Vegas shooter
  9. 17/10/17- US journalist behind Harvey Weinstein story to get Channel 4 show
  10. 17/10/17- Fake news: improved critical literacy skills are key to telling fact from fiction
  11. 24/10/17- Investigative reporting more vital than ever: NYT managing editor
  12. 24/10/17- BBC Radio 1 breakfast show slumps to its smallest audience on record
  13. 7/11/17 -Netflix email scam hits millions of subscribers 
  14. 7/11/17- BBC cancels 10m of cuts planned for local radio
  15. 14/11/17- The digital war against ISIS is being lost. What should be done?
  16. 14/11/17-Whatsapp: inside the secret world of group chat
  17. 21/11/17-Katharine Viner: in turbulent times, we need good journalism more than ever
  18. 21/11/17-Russian "troll army" tweets cited more than 80 times in the UK media
  19. 28/11/17-Social services minister orders inquiry into credit card system data breach
  20. 28/11/17-Why we should be wary of ending net neutrality 
  21. 5/12/17-Instagram Stories has turned life into a slideshow of content
  22. 5/12/17-How the Winklevoss twins became the worlds first bitcoin billionaires
  23. 12/12/17-Big web firms may face persecution over online abuse
  24. 12/12/17-Norway becomes the first country in the world to end national radio broadcasts on FM
  25. 19/12/17-More than a million UK homes and offices don't get decent broadband, finds Ofcom
  26. 19/12/17- France orders Whatsapp to stop sharing user data with Facebook without consent


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