Weekly News 6

US Department of Justice demands Facebook account details of Anti- Trump activists



Key Data/ Statistical Info
  • The US Department of Justice has obtained search warrants that would allow government lawyers to access the Facebook accounts of anti-Donald Trump protesters.
  • The data requested includes the passwords, private messages, photos, and deleted posts of two individual activists, as well as information on 6,000 people who "liked" an anti-Trump Facebook page.
  • The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which is fighting the warrants in court, described the requests as "a gross invasion of privacy".
The articles talks about the search warrants that were issued by the US Department of ''Justice'', that allowed them to access the Facebook accounts of Anti- Trump protesters. The warrants would allow investigators to look through ''90 days'' of personal messages ''concerning political activity and associations. One of the warrants was also issued for a group which organised Inauguration Day protests, called ''DisruptJ20''. 

NDM has allowed us to posts our own thoughts/ views on the political issues and debates in our community. The fact that these opinions can be seen as a threat, and be categorized as somewhat of a radical political uprising, just goes to show that we are restricted from sharing our views online.  The idea that the internet is ruled by major institutions is by far the most accurate representation of the new and digital media age. The invasion of privacy should not be a major concern in the new developed world, as well are constantly told that technology is becoming faster, safer and more efficient. Whereas in fact, we are constantly being ''examined'' and ''exposed'' on the internet, whether we allow it to or not. 


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