Weekly News 18

Russian "troll army" tweets cited more than 80 times in the UK media

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Key Data/ Statistical Info
  • Members of a Russian “troll army” were quoted more than 80 times across British-read media outlets before Twitter revealed their identity and banned them, a Guardian investigation has shown.
  • Some posts from the accounts were embedded in articles to provide apparently local reportage and pictures from the sites of disasters and crime scenes around the world. In fact, Twitter claims, all the accounts were run from the offices of the Internet Research Agency in St Petersburg, alleged to be the headquarters of Russia’s troll army.
  • The investigation will raise concerns about the extent of Russian penetration of the British media, which would have disseminated their messages to a much wider audience than they might get on Twitter alone.
  • To gauge the effectiveness of the accounts, the Guardian searched the archives of 14 British news organisations, including the Telegraph, Daily Mail and the BBC, for every usage on their websites of any name from the list of 2,752 Twitter profiles believed by the social network to have been run by the Internet Research Agency.
The article talks about the impact of Russian "troll armies" on social media sites such as Twitter. It is said that they were "cited more than 80 times across British media outlets", before their identity was revealed by Twitter, who banned them from the site. This issue highlights one of the main disadvantages of the new and digital media, as it shows us that unmediated content from fake/"troll"organisations can make their way into major news institutions and sources. 


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