Weekly News 23

Big web firms may face persecution over online abuse

Fingers on keyboard.

Key Data/ Statistical Info
  • The UK government should fine or even prosecute big web companies if they fail to tackle racist, extremist or child sex abuse content, an influential committee will recommend
  • A BBC survey found that 87% of MPs experienced abuse during the 2017 general election campaign, with half of the 113 MPs who responded telling the Radio 5 Live survey it was the worst campaign they had experienced in terms of abuse.
  • “Tackling intimidation, far from threatening genuine democratic debate and scrutiny, will actually serve to enhance and protect it.”
  • One Labour MP said someone had threatened to bomb her office and another MP claimed to have had a “bottle smashed on me”.
  • “Many contributors to our review accept that you need a thick skin in public life; it goes with the territory. But our evidence also shows that some of what has been happening in recent years is something very different,” he wrote.


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