Weekly News 24

Norway becomes the first country in the world to end national radio broadcasts on FM


Key Data/ Statistical Info 

  • The country’s most northern regions and the Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic switched to digital audio broadcasting (DAB) as scheduled on Wednesday, said Digitalradio Norge (DRN), an umbrella group for Norway’s public and commercial radio.
  • The transition, which began on 11 January, allows for better sound quality and more channels and functions at an eighth of the cost of FM radio, according to authorities.
  • Radio users have also complained about the cost of having to buy new receivers or adapters, usually priced at between €100 and €200 (£88 and £176).
  • Only 49% of motorists are able to listen to DAB in their cars, according to DRN figures.
  • A study cited by local media suggests the number of Norwegians who listen to the radio on a daily basis has dropped by 10% in a year, and the public broadcaster NRK has lost 21% of its audience.


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