Weekly News 25

More than a million UK homes and offices don't get decent broadband, finds Ofcom


Key Data/ Statistical Info 
  • More than one million homes and offices across the UK still can’t get a decent broadband connection, research from the communications regulator has revealed.
  • Ofcom on Friday said that although coverage is steadily improving, around 4 per cent of properties – or 1.1 million – still do not have access to broadband that offers the speeds needed to meet typical needs. 
  • “Broadband coverage is improving, but our findings show there’s still urgent work required before people and businesses get the services they need,” said Steve Unger, chief technology officer at Ofcom.
  • He said that the watchdog was “supporting plans for universal broadband, and promoting investment in full-fibre technology that can provide ultrafast, reliable connections”.
  • “The public and our economy depend on mobile coverage that allows people to call, text or get online wherever they are,” he said.


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