News on the Tweet

News on the Tweet is a report from Newsworks (a marketing organisation representing newspapers) and Twitter designed to show the positive impact new and digital media can have on traditional media.

Read the report and answer the questions on your blog. Include the News on the Tweet infographic above in your blogpost.
  • Why are respected news brands good news for Twitter?
They both have similar age demographics, appeal to an affluent audience, and revolve around current events in the world. 39% of a full Twitter sample claim that they go on Twitter "to be aware of whats going on in the world". Audiences like to follow news as it happens and often go on Twitter to see the various discussion on Twitter about a particular topic. It also allows them to connect with "communities of like-minded people" and enjoy the personal element of interacting with other people.
  • Why in turn is Twitter good for respected news brands?
60% of all Twitter users in the UK follow some form of news brand, while the remaining users access the news brand's content through posts, retweets and general debates and discussion.
Therefore by utilizing a popular online platform such as Twitter, news brands can get more recognition. Audiences who follow news brands on Twitter are more likely to retweet articles from the news brand. Also Twitter makes news brands more accessible- 60% of users said that it gives them an opportunity to engage with newspaper brands that they would not normally read in print format.
  • The report suggests that old and new media “are not, in fact, in direct competition, but often work extremely well together to enhance both the media eco-system and the consumer experience”. What evidence do they provide to support this idea? Do you agree with it?
The report states that Twitter and news brands both "provide immediate knowledge" and..."insights and analysis as the story develops." They also help to shape and reflect opinions from the public. Also both provide a "real sense of community" as you can connect with people who have similar interests. The article also mentions that when news brand followers want to relax, Twitter provides them with entertainment in the form of gossip and banter about celebs, sports or political scandals. I agree with the idea that old and new media "work extremely well together...and enhance consumer experience" as news brands on Twitter are a good source of entertainment as well as information. This idea therefore link to the uses and gratifications theory and therefore suggests that providing a range of content like this, appeals to a global audience.
  • On page 24/25 of the report, the focus turns to 'gossip' or 'banter'. What example tweets from journalists are used to illustrate this? 
The Independent posted a story that reads " Sewer blocked by Pooh" with a picture showing a "Winnie the Pooh bear stuck in a sewer". 

Dan Wootton- "Red carpet awks moment from last night as microphone chord gets stuck to @KlassMyleene's dress" 
  • Do you think the increasing amount of 'gossip' or 'banter' is harming the reputation of news and journalists?
Yes because it essentially turns newspapers into tabloids about celebrities and scandals, rather tan providing audiences with news, which is essential. Although "gossip and banter" is acceptable to some extent as it provides audiences with entertainment, however newspapers are intended to provide us with news on current events in the world. If news organisation provide more content on celebs, they can be discredited and seen as unreliable in providing audiences with good quality content. A recent example of this would be the BBC website- it is now filled with funny videos and unusual stories, rather than global news. 
  • What does the report say about trust in Twitter and journalists (look at pages 34-39)?
45% of Twitter users say that it is important that news on Twitter is verified by a respected brand- as it makes it more trustworthy. 39% of journalists on Twitter are a trustworthy, faster source of news. Overall, journalists create entertainment and engagement through their regular tweets and drive traffic and interaction, which raises their profiles as well as the news brand. 
  • Do you think new and digital media developments such as Twitter have had a positive or negative impact on traditional newspapers?
I think that new developments have had a positive impact on traditional newspapers as the online platform allows the news brand to gain recognition and credibility. News brands bring "trust, access to deeper analysis and expert opinion" as well as content that connects communities of like minded people. Meanwhile, Twitter, offers instant access to a range of news brands, journalists, and content that wold not have been explored previously. 
  • Finally, how can we link this report to the vital current debate regarding fake news and Facebook? Do traditional news brands need protecting to ensure there are sources we can trust?
This report links to fake news as it provides evidence on how there are still trustworthy news organisations that dominate mainstream media, which provide us with reliable content. However with this in mind it is crucial that we protect these brands to ensure that we are being shown accurate content amongst a large amount of fake news that we see today. Major online companies such as Google and Facebook need to filter out fake news by posting ads or content that is verified and published by news organisations sch as The Guardian, which deem themselves as reliable and accurate and able to provide good quality investigative journalism. 


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