Weekly News 27

Dan Sabbagh: 'Editing news is intense, thrilling and ultimately exhausting'

Dan Sabbagh addresses the newsroom during his leaving speech.

Key Data/ Statistical Info 
  • News always flows, sometimes it pours, flooding the Guardian newsdesk without cease via proliferating channels. Every news editor, on arrival in the morning, organises their desktop to highlight the best of the news wires, at least two TV stations, BBC and Sky News, Twitter and other social media. 
  • Then they contend with the constant stream of email and chat messages from 50 reporters – the most committed in the business.
  • Now the task is to beat the rolling news channels and publish, within moments, a single paragraph starting from the desk that is filled out, revised and updated by reporters throughout the day.
  • Many of the most important stories come not from one big revelation but through patiently developing a theme – London property ownership, the influence of Russian bots, or sexual abuse and harassment.
  • In a world where it is easy to feel flooded by news and information, the editor’s challenge is not just to act fast but to find ways to change the way people think.


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