Weekly News 28

Logan Paul apologises for film of man's body in Japan

Schoolchildren read signs posted in the Aokigahara forest.

Key Data/ Statistical Info 
  • The 22-year-old American, who has 15 million subscribers on YouTube, was labelled “disrespectful” and “disgusting” after he joked with his friends about discovering the body in Aokigahara forest, a notorious suicide spot at the base of Mount Fuji.
  • YouTube said Paul’s video violated its policies, but did not respond to calls to suspend him from the site.
  • The number of Japanese who kill themselves has fallen in recent years, although the country still has the sixth highest suicide rate in the world.
  • The lack of services for people with mental health problems, as well as debt and serious illness – particularly among elderly people – have also been cited as common causes of suicide in Japan.


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